Monday, December 7, 2009


hahaha! thought bringing a sense of humor into the mix definitely sleep schedule is officially off, waking up at 330am, and wanting to head back to bed at 5pm just isnt, but ive taken a different approach now, i think my attitude has changed a bit, to where if i have a goal in mind as far as a 5k or 10k, i think i am more apt to strive to get to that point, rather than im planning on running a 10k at the end of february with a couple of girls, so ive pretty much gotten comfortable with a 5k (3 miles) but its that last half that im afraid of...the crazy thing is i could not feel more heavy and just SWOLLEN right now, what the hek?! granted the week before natures wrath comes is definitely my worst (as far as swelling to a huge balloon of water) crazy, but still, it just doesn't add anything to one's self esteem, you know?

but other than that i feel as though i have gotten back on track since thanksgiving, cause really there's no point in trying to start on thanksgiving, so i started the week i got back from that, and i did make better choices throughout the weekend, splitting lots of meals, and so i think that helps, but im definitely not waiting for the new year to really crack sister is actually going through the same thing now with weight and maybe a little bit of self esteem has been lessened, she lost some weight the beginning of last year but has gained a lot of it back, not all of it, but she doesn't like to shop now, which was never the case before! so we've decided to crack down these 4 weeks (3 now) before thanksgiving, and see where that leaves us, maybe relax just for the christmas meal, and im sure we'll keep walking while we are together in oklahoma, but i think doing it together has helped us both in confidence and support. I definitely know exactly what she's going through, and it is hard, but i think together we have more support and a fighting chance! anyways, ive started lifting weights, which growing up i KNEW thats what i needed to do, muscle mass is the best thing for faster metabolism, so thats my focus now, is lots of rep, not a lot of weight, and running/elliptical...

But i definitely understand about your excuse of working, cause on my days i work, its like all i can do just to get out of bed and up to the, just exhausted from head to toe....but i think its better to have a plan of action for the week and what days you feel you might have a bit more energy, like maybe having a restful weekend, mondays are better for you (its definitely better for me) so tuesdays are a bit harder for me but doable, but wednesdays and thursdays are definitely a no-go, my body has definitely reached its limit by then, so i think 4-5 days a week are ideal for me, and what im shooting for at this point, and with lifting weights and getting back to my ab workouts, i think i will be a lot better off than just cardio, as far as fitting better into clothes, and feeling better about myself, so ive definitely been drinking more and more water ever since ive started lifting weights, which has been a huge blessing, and is optimal in metabolism, hydration, and an ABSOLUTE CURE when you think you're hungry but its just thirst! well, thats all for now, i love you girl! im loving this constant accountability and testimonials we have shared, it really does encourage and strengthen my hope for looking and feeling better, while keeping everything honest! talk soon :)

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